PING Platform

An Exploration in Physical Computing

Proof of Concept 2: Exploring Multitouch

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So, as mentioned in our previous post, we’re taking a step in a slightly new direction, and exploring multitouch interaction.  This has obviously been an area of extreme growth in the last few years, with products from Apple and Microsoft making use of multitouch interfaces, just to name a very few.  We’re most definitely standing on the shoulders of giants in this arena, particularly in gestural libraries. What this means is that we’re able to explore what this can mean in the context of casual public gaming. We’ve also realized that a much more interesting investigation involves the mixture of multi-touch gestures with motion in real 3d space.  We hope that by marrying our two prototypes, we can provide a much more interesting platform upon which to develop.

A quick introduction for now, with more to come very soon:  For a second proof, we’re building a general purpose multi-touch screen for the Pervasive Technology Labs.  It’s a proof to show ourselves that we can do it, plus an opportunity to test some interaction design theories.  We’re following someone else’s instructions, which are based on the proven methodology of FTIR. It’s 3×4 aspect ration (18″x24″), and will initially be tested using the fantastic tbeta software.  Pictures, findings and construction details to follow soon.

Written by admin

November 17th, 2008 at 9:32 pm

Posted in Proof of Concept 2

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